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Llistat de pòsters:

van der Schaar, M., Zaugg, S., Riccobene, G., Pubill, O., André, M.
System architecture for real-time monitoring of noise pollution
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Istanbul, Turkey, p.66, Mar 2009

Zaugg, S., van der Schaar, M., Houégnigan, L., André, M.
An automated, real time classification system for biological and anthropogenic sounds from fixed ocean observatories
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Marine Technology, Martech 2009 , vol 8, p.105-106, Nov 2009

André, M., van der Schaar, M., Mas, A., Romà, A., Castell, J.V., Morell, M., Solé, M., Rolin, J.F., Pearson, R.
Real-time acoustic monitoring of the deep-ocean environment
Acoustics 08, Paris, France, Jul 2008

Mas, A., van der Schaar, M., Morell, M., Alonso, J.M., Llarena, M., Solé, M., André, M.
Acoustic map of the oceans: a tool for management
22nd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Egmond and Zee, The Netherlands, Mar 2008

André, M., Vallez, S., Gervaise, C., van der Schaar, M., Mas, A., Morell, M.
Monitoring the ocean noise interactions
22nd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Egmond and Zee, The Netherlands, p.78, Mar 2008

Morell, M., Solé, M., Mas, A., van der Schaar, M., Nin i Camps, M., André, M.
Interfacing science and education for a better management of coastal and ocean acoustic budget
22nd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Egmond and Zee, The Netherlands, p.138, Mar 2008