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Llistat d'exposicions orals:

Castell, J.V., van der Schaar, M., Mas, A., Zaugg, S., Houégnigan, L., Morell, M., Solé, M., André, M.
Modeling the underwater noise associated to the construction and operation of offshore wind turbines
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Marine Technology, Martech 2009, vol 8, p.100, Nov 2009

André, M., Castell, J.V., del Río, J., Mas, A., van der Schaar, M.
Electronic upgrades on the second generation of an autonomous and portable cetacean auditory screening system.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Marine Technology, Martech 2009 , Nov 2009

André, M., Delory, E., van der Schaar, M., Castell, J.V.
On the possibility of detecting and tracking echolocating whales by passive acoustics and ambient noise imaging
Workshop on Active Sonar: 19th Conference of the European Cetacean Society, La Rochelle, France, 2005