Publicaciones Libros Pósters Comunicaciones orales Otros

Listado de publicaciones:

André, M., Solé, M., Lenoir, M., Durfort, M., Quero, C., Mas, A., Lombarte, A., van der Schaar, M., López-Bejar, M., Morell, M., Zaugg, S., Houégnigan, L.
Low-frequency sounds induce acoustic trauma in cephalopods
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (e-View) , p.doi:10.1890/100124, 2011

André, M., van der Schaar, M., Zaugg, S., Houégnigan, L., Sánchez, A.M., Castell, J.V.
Listening to the Deep: Live monitoring of ocean noise and cetacean acoustic signals
Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol 63, p.18-26, 2011

Zaugg, S., van der Schaar, M., Houégnigan, L., André, M.
A framework for the automated real-time detection of short tonal sounds from ocean observatories
Applied Acoustics, issue doi:10.1016/j.apacoust.2011.09.009, press, 2011

Zaugg, S., van der Schaar, M., Houégnigan, L., Gervaise, C., Sánchez, A.M., André, M.
Real-time acoustic classification of sperm whale clicks and shipping impulses from deep-sea observatories
Applied Acoustics, vol 71, issue 11, p.1011-1019, Nov 2010

Houégnigan, L., Zaugg, S., van der Schaar, M., André, M.
Space–time and hybrid algorithms for the passive acoustic localisation of sperm whales and vessels
Applied Acoustics, vol 71, p.1000-1010, 2010

Zaugg, S., Saporta, G., van Loon, E., Schmaljohann, H., Liechti, F.
Automatic identification of bird targets with radar via patterns produced by wing flapping
JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY INTERFACE, vol 5, issue 26, p. 1041-1053, Sep 2008