Veuillez trouvez ci-dessous une liste du matièriel produit par le LAB et disponible pour télécharger:

Buenas Prácticas en la Gestión, Evaluación y Control de la Contaminación Acústica subacuática
Best Practices in Management, Assessment and Control of Underwater Noise Pollution
European Marine Strategy Framework Directive Good Environmental Status (MSFD-GES); final report of the Technical Subgroup on Underwater Noise and other forms of energy. February 27, 2012
European Marine Strategy Framework Directive Monitoring Guidance Underwater Noise Part I: Summary recommendations
European Marine Strategy Framework Directive Monitoring Guidance Underwater Noise Part II: Specifications
European Marine Strategy Framework Directive Monitoring Guidance Underwater Noise Part III: Background Information and Annexes
Marine Strategy Framework Directive Task Group 11 Report: Underwater noise and other forms of energy. April 2010
Cetacean ear extraction and fixation protocol
"Low frequency sounds induce acoustic trauma in cephalopods" (André et al., Front Ecol Environ 2011)"
Doctorate thesis Mike van der Schaar (2010), "An Acoustic Bio-Metric for Sperm Whales"
Sperm whale coda classification tool